Jai brooks. Theres nothing particularly special about him, he's not smart, yet he's not dumb, he's not popular but he certainly isn't unpopular. He's just average. Well, that's what everybody thinks but the truth is Jai is far from average he's just unnoticed. Unnoticed by everyone. Deep inside Jai is slowly crumbling. Though he may be able to keep a fooling smile on his face, Jai is being torn apart. And the worst part? He has no idea what he can do about it. That is until one day the brooks family receive news. News that could change Jai, his perspective on life and most importantly his happiness. News that could give Jai what he never had, but always wanted, a friend, someone to talk too, someone to cause mischief with, someone to love. This was terrific new for Jai, but all good things come to an end eventually, don't they?
Well the truth is sometimes in life the roles switch.