Part 1: In 1943, Mordecai was captured by the Japanese and forged a deep friendship with Milo. However, a mysterious virus created by the shadowy organization A.D.I.C. later targeted Mordecai, leaving his fate uncertain.
Part 2: Decades later, in 1998, Dr. Taylor, the CEO of D.A.C.F., alongside Dr. Lucien, resumes the dangerous research abandoned by A.D.I.C., leading to the ambitious but catastrophic Project Raketilien. The project spirals into violence, nearly costing Dr. Lucien his life.
Part 3: As the virus spreads across the world, Vincent, a survivor, bands together with a small group to navigate a collapsing society. Along the way, he uncovers a shocking connection to D.A.C.F. that ties his fate to the global catastrophe, as they fight for survival and a chance at a new beginning.
If you're interested in reading the rest, The full book is on Amazon with all 3 parts.