22 chapitres Terminé Contenu pour adultesI see you're awake finally. Let me explain, I'm the overseer, and my name is Hayley, I will guide you on your journey through this time era. Your name is Lexi, you needn't know you second name as it is useless now. That girl you are staring at is you, and you don't know anything because I made sure of that." The voice of which belongs to the person known as Hayley, booms through the room with a posh accent but audibly angry... Why was she angry with me? "As of now people are dying evidently people become depressed and aggressive to one and other. They all used to live in harmony and happiness, that was until the 'things started to raise. The 'things' are as you would call it zombies but of greater skill. They disguise themselves as humans yet they will not hesitate to kill you and eat you. If someone is a 'thing', automatically presume them dead, or at least soon to be dead. It will always take about 2 weeks to become fully changed, hopefully you can chop of that body part in time for the infection to stop. If you can't, put an end to your soon to be painful and horrible turn/death. These beings as I announced only a moment ago, look exactly like a human, two way to tell if they are one or not, their attitude and their eyes. They don't have emotions, only hunger and let me tell you, they will go out of their way to eat you, they will speak but it will sound different... Deformed almost. The eyes are usually the first to become infected, they become slightly red at first, as time progresses so does the intensity of the color red in the eye. The color in their eyes they once possessed, will seem dull, it will seem as if they are unfocused or unfamiliar with their surroundings. That is all I can tell you for the moment Lexi, but know their are people waiting for your arrival, and we are waiting for you to end this suffering race." I could tell something was off putting about her voice, as if she was lying straight through her teeth