This is a short story that I wrote for my Year 12 Literature class. The task was to imitate the writing style of an author we studied. We focused on Annie Proulx and her collection of short stories known as Close Range, which includes titles such as Brokeback Mountain. Her work often includes themes of animalism, depravity, confrontation, religion, and conflict.
This piece is about a teenage boy named Abel, who has nine brothers and one sister, living on a cramped ranch in Wyoming in the 1960s or so. It depicts his struggle to fit into this rough-and-tumble environment and his dream of a much needed escape.
17 ans, marocaine et turc, Zayira.. une fille complètement perdu sur sa vie, va bientôt être mise à la rue.
Elle va faire la rencontre d'un groupe qui va changer sa vie à jamais..