Hi I am Fright , daughter of Foxy . Many people when they see me think I am some sort of mean grumpy animal , but the truth is I am just like every girl . My favorite color is dark red and I love music !
It was a ordinary day at the pizza shop where it worked until , my dad came in . "Dad!" I yelled in shock. My dad long ago was sent to a world where no one would ever see him again until he figured out how to change the way he acted , which everyone new would never happen . " Hi darling ! I come to get my revenge !" . Everyone in the small little shop stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to Foxy . Fright Cheeks turned red in embarrassment . Suddenly many dark shadows appeared behind Foxy and Fright .
Freddy , Chica , Bonnie , Mangle , and Ballon Boy all appeared . Everybody shrieked " Ahhhh!" As Fright stood with a blank face . I ran as fast as I could to my small cottage in the woods, as I walked in my normal mother said " Sweetie why come home so early from work , did you get fired or something ?" I resonded mumbling " No , can we talk about this later please ." . I was so embarrassed today and next thing you know the Door opens and several people or should I say animatronics walk in and start talking to my mom .
The next day at school everyone was chanting "Fright is a robot ! " . In class I was stared at even by my best friend Maya! This was by far the worst day of my life !!!!
On my way home as I crossed the most dangerous road the cars stooped to let go except one . As the headlights came close I panicked . Then zoom out of the middle of no where my dad grabbed my hand and rushed me to the sidewalk ! As we sat on the couch I told Dad " You know dad , you aren't embarrassing at all you are a hero !" He responded in tears " I am glad you think that Fright , I will always be your hero !" And the rest of the day Fright never yelled or ran away from her dad ,Foxy .