I am a mutant.
It happend when my house exploded. We don't know how, or why.
But that doesn't matter, what matters most is that it killed my baby brother. Oh, yeah it killed my alcoholic mom, and abusive dad too. I know what your thinking, wow your house exploded, how did you survive? Well, how I survived is a mystery...
Just kidding, I lived because I was going to get the mail. I know, I didn't have a night and shining armor, or get some super freak powers.
Well, actually I did.
I mean, about getting super powers. Apparently, when the house exploded it triggered some side effects in me. These side effects didn't include being sick for days, or having food poisoning. No, I got the other side of the deal. This includes; the powers of telekinesis, to be able to move things with my mind. Telepathy: to be able to read minds and communicate through them. And Teleportation, well you know what that means. Just so you know, this side of the deal was awesome. Well, at the time it was. What I didn't know was that there were more of me. People were hunting us, trying to kill us to extinction. I found out later that there are only five of us left, and I'm one of those five. Now, I have to go kill some of those bad guys, and try not to get killed while doing it.
Yeah, I guess you could call me a normal teenager.