((The third instalment in the "Sister of a Drummer" series. Aka, the aftermath of "When Goodbye Means Forever"))
"2 years and you've been here! Creating a new life?! I waited for you, Pierce-whatever your fucking name is! I looked for you! Everyone told me you were dead but I told them to go to hell! I've wasted so much time on you, just to find out you were in bloody Texas?! You made me go through hell, for what?! Just to play games with me?! To watch me slowly kill myself?!"
"And you think you're the only one who suffered?! I not only lost my goddamn boyfriend, but I lost the 5 closest people! Practically my FAMILY! I left everything behind!"
"But fucking why?! Why didn't you come back?!" I looked him dead in the eyes.
"Because, James. If I did, you'd all be dead right now. In a grave. Decaying. Practically a skeleton."
2 years have passed since Evan, now Pierce, left their music career. 2 years which haven't been easy on anyone, especially the gender-fluid, asexual, pansexual, Pierce Rose Coffin.
Giving up their harlot life, their innocence.
Pierce Rose Coffin isn't so innocent anymore.
Pierce Rose Coffin is a cold blooded, sadistic murderer.
Pierce Rose Coffin is the reason Lory Jessica Maine is dead.