- will be edited and updated the day before or after Halloween 2k15 -
Carter Creed was a clueless infant when her Aunt, Uncle, and cousin Gage were all brutally murdered. However, once she started elementary school, her family's death being glamorized into a famous ghost story was scarring. The kids in school mocked her and accused her of being insane. The severe bullying continued until seventh grade, when she was at a very low point.
The popular kids were pulling pranks on her at every waking moment, but finally, after seven years, Carters soon to become best friend, Drew, defended her; they rode their bikes to the local cafe everyday after school ever since. In fact, he decided to come with her to the vets house across the street when her Great Dane, Mykie, was injured after getting into a fight with his Husky, Zowie. That was how she met Jeff, the boy who turned her frown upside down. Every little thing in her life had improved since she met Jeff, but she knew the joy would end eventually. Carters happiness took a halt the day Carter stepped backwards and into the past when she, her best friend, and crush... came across the famous Pet Sematary.