This story takes place six years after an incident where a young girl is kidnapped on her birthday, by an underground organization in which many horrible things happen, she is trained, subjected to human testing, and participating in an illegal organization as the head agent because she blindly follows orders and is extremely talented because of the tests performed on her that made her the ideal pet. With her memory erased and name now consisting of only one letter she is perfect for the tasks she preformed because she has no morals or sense of right and wrong, her programming says to do as told and that is all. She lives her life in the shadows and her life goal was to become a doctor until she was kidnapped on her birthday, but it all changes when she is discovered while breaking out ten of her captured comrades from . She is spotted and had pictures taken. This leads to her being on the run from the governments of the world and the entire S.U.I.T.S. organization.
3 parts