This story takes place during Tom Riddle’s time at Hogwarts. Marianne Shay, Mari for short, is entering her first year of Hogwarts. When she arrives at Hogwarts, the Sorting Hat warns Mari that she won't make it to the end of her sixth year at Hogwarts. Mari meets Tom Riddle, and she realizes that Riddle could be the person the Sorting Hat warned her about. Once Riddle starts creating Horcruxes, Mari accidentally discovers the diary and she is thrown into the world Tom Riddle has worked hard to created. She learns that the powers of a Horcrux are more dark and dangerous than anyone ever knew. Tom and Mari struggle for control of the diary in an effort to protect their own souls from being lost forever, but along the way, they realize that they might want to protect each other’s souls more than their own. Tom has to choose between the ultimate power he so craves or the girl he may be falling in love with.
14 parts