{AHS Fanfiction; Violet and Tate.} She had mentioned his name once. Only once. And it was as if the gates of hell had opened in that house, her father screaming and pushing and angry and sad and crying and her mother silent with the baby in her arms.He will never be what you want him to be. He kills. He takes. Psychopath. Killer. Crazy. Insane. Darkness. He will never be what you are. He will never be for you. I will not let it happen. But they did not see the light they so callously turned away from. He was all of those things, Violet was sure of. But they didn’t see his other side, the side that was more prominent, and the side that Violet knew like the back of her hand. He was her broken puzzle piece. But her mind was still torn. And so the days she could not think of anything but him, she would sit across the basement door. She knew he was down there. She knew he was hurt. She knew he was torn, just as she was. And so badly she wished it would open and there he would be. She wanted to forget. She wanted to cut the memories away. She wanted him. She wanted nothing but him. He was all she wanted. He was all she had. But she never opened the door. She never opened it.All Rights Reserved