I've always been amazed at the way authors used words. They're all the same, really. Everyone uses the same words; they just rearrange them differently (or the same, depending on circumstance). Yet an author, a writer, can use those worn out words and never fail to amaze us all over and over again. They mystify us. They give us a new life: new feelings, new friends (real and imaginary), and, most importantly, new memories.
I'm no expert, but I've always had this feeling that even the worst writer can give that effect if they only try. So I guess that's what this is. My try.
This is my story: my collection of occasionally worthwhile thoughts. Maybe it'll inspire you. You may be better off if it doesn't.
It's time for me to show you a new life. This is my chance to create new feelings. Perhaps you'll make a friend or two. Perhaps they'll be imaginary (but, of course, that doesn't mean unreal).
With any luck, it's my turn to give you new memories.
Dear reader, I bid thee well.