Independent, stubborn, bubbly, unique, self-sufficient McKenna Hollydale grew up knowing nothing but divorce and broken hearts, the one time when she was willing to go into a relationship, it ended up breaking her heart in the process. Having promised to herself that she swore off boys, McKenna devoted her life to athletics, making it to the Olympics. McKenna's best friend, Nicolet Beckinridge just so happens to the girlfriend of teenage heartthrob, Niall Horan. This, of course, means that McKenna ends up spending time around the one and only, curly flirt, also known as Harry Styles. Harry will go to any measure to get McKenna to give him a chance. But how far will McKenna go in order to prove that she's not falling for that? "Not Falling for That (Sequel to The Girl Next Door)" Copyright © 2013 gigglebox1025 All Rights ReservedAll Rights Reserved