Her heart ached as she watched. It tore her apart bit by bit, piece by piece. Why? Of all people, they had to be taken away.
It's black eyes bore into her dull ruby ones. A creepy and large grin formed on his disgustingly pale skin.
"Oi, Shi-hime, it's time for you to wake up." He blinked before pulling out a black book that had a foreign language on it. "Oh, here is your Death Note. Chi should arrive soon. Nighty night, our beloved Shi Kage."
And with that, she fell into a coma for a day. A day turned into a week, a week became a month, a month became a year, a year became a decade, and a decade became a century.
Their bodies decayed while hers stayed beautiful, not even a hair turned an old grey. The house was practically haunted looking, after all it had been sitting there without care for a hundred years.
Friends past away, a new generation bloomed while she just slept on that floor.
But, what hell can they say when she wakes up with the Lord of Death at her side?