Jude is a man with a dark past and an even darker future.
He hears Satan is coming to town, and that he will be the main act in his show. And now, an owl that can turn into a beautiful woman is following him wherever he goes, and she doesn't believe in any clothing (which is just fine by him).
Blood, sex, and magic...seems like a well-balanced diet for the sociopathic hermit of 1402 Sycamore.
I'm not sure where else to put any thankyou's or shout outs, so here they are:
@sweetmidnight for taking some time out to jumble together the cover art. Totally not my doing since I'm somewhat, well, stupid when it comes to the computer stuff.
That's all, at this point, so I suppose this is more of an Ode to Midnight. More to come soon, I hope!