Challenges of a Transwoman.
Self introduction.
This is not a workshop to sell values and lifestyle. Just to nurture some understandings about ts living and working in Malaysia. Not to represent any NGO or to glamorize transsexuals life style.
To break some social constructs, emphasizing on SOGIE.
Like you and me and the rest of living soul, TS needs to breathe and connect.
How do we look at them? What are our perceptions? What do we wonder about them? Why we are too shy to ask? Did we end up by being politically correct just by saying, 'owh! yes I am fine, I understand you' without putting an effort to dig deeper.
Parents? Are you prepared to welcome a transgender son and daughter? What will you do? How do you react? Will you be autocratic when it comes to gender and sexuality. Will you be embarrassed for the rest of your life? what option can you ts children have? What kind of family environment will you be providing her?
Is it true, transwomen are only good in certain work field? Why are we so uncomfortable to work along side them? Are we scared of their over the top outfit? what is so different? Toilet sharing? Are we intimidated by them? Are they man snacthers? Do we associate all of them with prostitution?
Individual attitudes towards life. let us take a look at a better perspective.
Religious bodies and government policies. Id card, police, immigration rules.
Explaining to young children what is a transwoman? Back to SOGIE. Sexual orientation Gender Identity and Expression.
Sense of humor and understanding, how far can it go.