Protected for thousands of years, but no one knows what it is? It was once said that it could make an army go mad, just at its sight with hopeless greed.
After hearing of this tale from a local madman, a boy by the name of Castor has his mind set to discover if it is true, and hopefully find his father along the way.
It is said that this mysterious 'item' that is hidden with the deepest secrets of its realm, but yet not our own.
Meeting friends along the way, Castor now is set to find his father, and the truth to a mystery that has been kept secret for millenium. Will he find the answer, or is he just on another ghost chase?
He'd do anything. He'd do anything to escape from the dreaded place. To meet his father who never came back for him...
So when Harry get's the opportunity, he and his friends do not hesitate. But that means he'd have to trust a man, who claims to be his father's... 'someone'. Harry, trusting him, goes on a journey to find the truth. The answer. But what he doesn't know... is that he is the Answer.