No matter how many times they had warned me, I still come back to him. Something about his presence gives me chills down my spine.
Tyla's life is pure perfection; she lives a wealthy lifestyle, has busy parents, is one of 40 people in the world to own an unlimited platinum credit card (from Visa of course), and has millions of followers on social media. What more could a girl want?
Alas, everything changed once her father becomes a convicted felon and is sentenced to exile out of the country in the well known city of Toronto. She must adjust to everything; even the lifestyle of a "pretty" American girl, much different than the one of the Canadian girl deep in her heart.
Hey guys, I know that intro was pretty long, but you kind of get the gist of the story. Ami'right? (No one says that *face palm*)
Since this book is filled with material coming from my brain, I should get some credit for it. Not you, or you, or you. So ya know, copyright laws do exist for a reason.
Haha, yeah it's official. (Even though I used the symbol from the emoji keyboard; hehe I'm such a rebel) DON'T STEAL MY SHIT MAN.
Your love and support keeps us rolling. Speaking of us, I mean me. The secret side of Tala_And_Chicken. Yup, this is Makala's story. Not Taylor's, not Jack's, not Jill's, not Hansel nor Gretel. Mine bitches. ALL MINE
*evil laugh goes here*
Oh and:
Mature Content. Meaning not little kid stuff. Meaning you need to grow a pair and just read it without saying "ew, she has cooties" like the 5 year old deep inside of your cold heart.
I love you guys so much. Stay frosty. (Seriously where do I get this shit from?) All Rights Reserved
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