The War...Well known as the Gem Rebellion, Taliyah was a warrior...She fought to the bitter end...She fought for Rose Quartz and everything she believed in...She fought for the ones she loved, considering Ruby and Sapphire, They loved each other dearly, she especially loved Ruby...But one day, The war came and it was a hard day for everyone...Taliyah Would put Sapphire and Ruby behind her so she can protect them, But When Rose Quartz put her shield up to protect everyone of them, She Gave up her form to make a half gem half human baby known as Steven Universe..,But when Rose "Died", so did Taliyah...or did she, 10 years later. Taliyah Awakens and Finds them once again and reunites with her long lost friends and loved ones... (Taliyah is a Gem called Moonstone) But something else Stirs up that puts everyone including her in Danger...
6 parts