The two drama queens of high school Samantha Ryder and Scarlett Williams Samantha=wild+independent(wild in not that way).She is adamant in nature and does not liked to be overuled and her encounter with love left her heart broken and lonely but her boldness does not let her show weak side.... Scarlett=girl+overly romantic leading to her emotions rule her life. Her life until now has been fully dramatic from her(p.o.v) but its not as dramatic as she thinks it is.Her love life hasn't been grt.. How they meet,became the drama queens,overcome there love hardships and journey of becoming the top models? ****** ^_^**** A/N hey!guys firstly we wanna make ourselves every clear that the book has two authors thats me and my friend.Since,we wrote this book out of our experience.This book is just too weird! Sorry for that since this our first online book being posted. we apolozies for the plain english and if you're thinking of correcting us than kindly do so. Thank you!!!!!All Rights Reserved