"Hello Hello! Hello, I'm the Day Guard! my name is Red, it's so nice to meet you! So, Are you prepared for your first night at Freddy's Late Cafe? I bet you re! First thing's first though, I must read you the memo. Its against the rules NOT to read it, sucky ain't I right? Now then, For you're safety, if the animatronics end up hurting anybody, do not worry, simply push the bottom on their nose and they'll turn off! Easy as that! However, sometimes they glitch out and such but I'll tell you after the memo! *small giggle* Now then, if you get injured in anyway, you can't sue Freddy's Late Cafe. If someone is injured they can't sue it either! If you need to enter one of the suits to entertain the children or whatever, simply pull the head off and press the nose button, then take out the endo skeleton and hop inside, not literally, stay still for 10 seconds and put the head back on. Now, you're ready to go! The animatronics move A LOT when theres barely any sound in the room their in! That may sound bad and whatever, but don't worry, just enter their room and click on a light switch or hit pots and pans, make as much noise as you need! Just don't scream or make it sound like you're being attacked, they turn evil or something when they hear that and rush towards the noise to do what they think is saving, shoving you into an filled suit. Now then, for that thing I was gonna tell you! *loud banging* Oh boy.. Ii think an animatronic is gonna attack something now...someone's screaming! I should go! Tell you tomorrow!!!!"
Freddy's Late Cafe rules:
1. Do not enter any suits to do crimes
2. Don't kill anyone or sound like it
3. No cosplay please
4. This is a cafe not a horror house, keep the animatronics CAAALLLLMM
5. Don't let things go silent, when they check things out, they try to find the people to bring excitement by shoving Freddy heads on them(damn spring locks amirite?)
6. Punishment is from the manager, Manager Spots, her punishment is worse then imaginable!!!
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
social media & irl
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