its always happy hour somewhere. for a stressed office worker waiting to destress and have fun or a lazy drunk looking to divulge in another boozy night out. however arun was neither of those. he was just the new guy in town. lonely and looking to escape in his third? glass of a bond martini. his head was practically hanging out of his are when he had finally got up to leave so as expected he couldn't get out the door without destroying everything in his path. " woah there, you look like you need a hand" as arun looked over his shoulder all he saw was a dark perfectly chiseled man standing over him. arun was pratically helpless so off course he let the guy help him out the bar and to parking lot. as the stranger stopped and shuffled around to open the car door, a puzzled look couldnt help but form on arun's face. " wait this isnt my car" "yes i knw but i dont really think you're in any state to drive so i figured i could give you a lift. so where am i taking you?" the look an aruns face deepened as he stared at the man. " oh im sorry. im arthur. probably should have started with that. you are?" "arun" " right so shall we" arthur said as he gestured with his arms for arun to get in car. they both got in in and before arun could even get comfortable arthur had already sped ut the carpark and halfway down the street. by the time he had realised arun hadn't answered his question and turned to ask again, arun had already passed out in the passenger seat. he looked so innocent and peaceful, arthur couldnt help but smile before continuing to pay attention to the road.