I am known to the Pokemon universe as something unattainable to most- a legendary. My entire life has neither beginning or end, and I will be trapped for all of eternity on this planet.
Like all my other siblings, I am made to serve a purpose. And that purpose of mine is to protect and guard the dreams of the slumbering creatures beneath me. I'm forever above you, all of you. I am your guardian angel, have been and always will be.
I see everything that has troubled you- each and every one of you- I see your past. Your torments, your pains, your agony- I'm here to take on that burden for you. Maybe I'll present you with a happier illusion when you sleep. Maybe that will help you to rest.
It's all right. You won't need to feel pain in your sleep anymore. I'll be there, doing my best, and give you even the tiniest bit of happiness for that fragmented period of time.
And in exchange, I'll take every torment and every surge of pain you have. I know it slowly destroys myself every day. But I serve no other purpose; I am only a tool in this machine called the universe. I never die, never live, only feel pain each passing day, but somehow, I can still feel this word, known to you as "happiness"...
If I wish for it, hard enough... will it come true? Can I create a past for myself? Can my life have an end? Have I finished my purpose in life?
But- I need to save someone who's drowning in the deepest of nightmares yet, someone so lost that he has become the definition of "nightmare" himself.
And then, when we can finally slumber instead of protecting the slumber of our fellow Pokemon, and fall into an eternal world of peace and silence, can we wake up again?
And will I be able to hold your hand and smile for once?
Seong Na-ri, "La prostituta más hermosa", cómo los hombres la conocen.
Seong Na-ri, "La asesina", como sus verdaderas amigas lo hacen.
Na-ri tiene una personalidad bastante cuestionable, si no le gustas, te lo hará saber. Pero si le agradas, será la persona más divertida que podrás conocer.
A pesar de ser de personalidad alocada, tiene un corazón grande y puro, hará hasta lo imperdonable con tal de proteger y cuidar a sus personas cercanas.
Pensó que había conocido el amor con una chica que conoció cuando no tenía nada. Pero esa chica la abandonó sin razón, haciéndola creer que el amor es tonto.
Pero dos chicas completamente distintas la harán enamorarse de nuevo... Y digamos que su forma de amar es, bueno, intensa.