I walked through the school, the sky dreary and suddenly I realized that everything was the same. The same shoes, jacket, hairstyles and it made me feel safe for a minute or two, knowing that I had the means to fit in with everyone else. But I couldn't help think I was blending in with the crowd so much that I couldn't see myself anymore.
Anyone willing to appear different wasn't taken seriously unless you were the 'right' kind of person. At this school, there were only a few of these people, and even then I could tell it wasn't the easiest thing for them.
"You know if it weren't for your crazy hair, I wouldn't know it was you," he said, his tone light. I touched my wickedly curly and brown hair a little self-consciously. It was something I wished I could control, that I wished would be as straight as everyone else's. But not even the expensive hair products you could buy from the shops could fix that problem.
"Why?" I asked, deciding that I might as well challenge him.
"You're wearing the exact same thing as everyone else," he said, still strumming quietly on the guitar, that playful smile still at hand.
"No, I'm not."
"More or less," he said with a shrug. "I thought we didn't have to wear our uniform today, but everyone still looks so...." he paused and then in the softest tone said, "so uniform."
Here is one of my pieces that have been in the progress for a while now I wrote this piece around six years ago and am trying to work out if I should turn this into a long piece. Let me know what you think.
~ C