A thousand years after the great devastation, the wounds were healed but the scars remained. The stories eventually turned into legends and the ancient world was forgotten, left in ruins to rot. The fear of another devastation was of great impossibility and through the centuries past, they were just belittled stories, nothing more. The Alliance have stood solidly for over a thousand years since it was founded through unity, and fears have surfaced as certain people threaten the very existence of the Alliance and its people. Thus, a long journey began by a wizard who sought the whole truth. But as truth revealed itself slowly, and as the ancient world rebuked the silence it once had, a prophecy was given and envisioned. Though arrogance led to the blindness of the Alliance to see the whole truth, the wizard goes on to fulfill and find the true champion. But fortune wasn't on their side, they were running of time. Little by little, the prophecy became true and the darkness who once stood to challenge the greatness of the light has come back. A story of the testament of might and power, courage and bravery.