You and your bestfriend both went to one of shawn mendes's sold out shows in LA. you both were super excited cause you had also baughten the meet and greet passes ;)). " OMG !! WERE ALMOST AT THE FRONT OF THE LINE !! " you screamed at your best friend. "uhhh, haha yes we are almost there calm down xD" your bff said. " haha sorry i am just reallyyyyyyyyyyy excited !! i have been waiting to even be in the venue since 5 months ago when i baught these tickets" "yea i get it, i would be happier but i dont want to embarass my self, like someone......" your bff said looking at you then slowly drifting her eyes away from you. "UM ! EXCUSE ME , " you said as you smiled and playfully hit her arm laughing. you were both at the front and she decided you should go first since you were more excited, "okay you go in first" " omg really !? :D " "yea go in :) " you walked in there nervous as ever and shawn quickly smiled at you and hugged you, "wow you look really pretty " shawn said "oh um haha thank you :) " you said blushing so much you gave him freshly baked muffins you had made by yourself he gasped and quickly grabbed them "oh my god !! thank you so much i have been missing these haha" "oh your welcome it's no biggie , by the way there is somthing i wrote down on the muffin wrapper" you said while blushing he quickly looked at the wrapper and saw that you had written down your phone number "oh haha , i will definatley call you " he said as he smiled and quickly winked at you you to were going to take the picture just smiling but he quickly kissed your cheek before the photographer took the photo you were so shocked and blushed so much he quickly smiled at you and hugged you one last time "bye beautiful all call you later" he said smiling "okay bye shawn all be waiting" as you both smiled and you walked out I hope you guys liked this !! it's my first fan fic just so ya know, :)All Rights Reserved