As the oldest of seven kids living in the slums of New Jersey, Isabella is forced to become a motherly figure due to her mother's carelessness and neglect. One day Isabella flees her family's torturing drama and finds a haven in an unlikely place. Everyday Isabella takes a train from Mercy, New Jersey, all the way to Diana's Bakery, located on Merlin Avenue in the heart of New York. She finds her passion in music and plays her guitar in the bakery to earn a little money for food and clothes to help support her family. The only problem is her mom thinks she's going to some rich school in upstate New York, not playing at some bakery. Oh, and theres also Mr. Mysterious. At the age of 16, Isabella is already head-over-heels over a guys she's never spoken to. Everyday she sits on the curb outside of Diana's Bakery, plays her guitar, and fantasizes about her mystery man as he walks to school in his fancy uniform. Isabella dreams that one day her and Mr. Mysterious will fall in love and run away together, but then reality bites back with the hard, cold truth . . . How could Mr. Mysterious ever want someone like Isabella? She's just a street performer after all.