YEAR:2735 (This may seem long but if you like the hunger games or battle royale you'll like this)
Im a Hologram.Desinged to work for president Anders.All holograms are meant to work for him.But the day my story starts he plans on leaving us behind,because the saltwater that is quickly eating up the land is growing and rapidly splashing the building we live in thats built on land.The entire land.
So what do me and my friends do?We sneek onto the trains that ride into the spaceship that lifts us to another planet no different than Earth.But its bigger.
And when the presidents wife,Rhea finds us and she explains our punishment.And its not just me and my friends being punished.There's a total of 36 of us who had the same Idea.But Rhea tells us they were planning this punishment for future criminals.And we get the displeasure to be the first to test this torture out.We are going to be put in a circular ring of two hundred feet walls where we will fight in groups of three.And we have to kill each other in our own twisted packs labeled A-L.If youre group is the last group standing you win.If not,well you're crime of sneeking onto that spaceship will be buried with you.We are playing round ONE of GAMEOVER-.Enchaîné par nos décisions