31 Partes Concluida Everyøne had a screen øn their chest with their thøughts and møøds on it. Nø secrets were able to be kept. Tyler's Screen was Black, like it hadn't turned øn. But it had. Sømetimes the black had hints øf red in it ør dark blue, but that was it. Whilst Tyler's Screen was black, Jøsh's always seemed to be filled with nice thøughts abøut everyøne arøund him and søng lyrics. But what wøuld happen tø Tyler's Screen if he fell in løve?
Trigger Warnings: Suicide, Self Harm, Death, Violence. Profanity
Inspired by the song 'Screen' by øbviously Twenty Øne Piløts And also 'Trapdoor' By Twenty One Pilots
From all that I've reread now, some years later, I am actually very impressed by the epilogue. Some of the chapters were pretty cringy though. I'm not sure wether I should rewrite this or not. Just some fixing of the grammar etc.