sail away is about a lady who works at an interior design and magazine company and earns a salary that is definitely much more than she needs. she lives her life for her job and is too focused on the now and her achievements. when she meets a man who is everything she would ever need, she shuts him down because of fears and insecurities caused by past experiences and a childhood filled with viewing abuse and other harsh realities of life. with old wounds that she didn't know formally existed opened, she withdraws from any activity that would require emotional attachment. eventually she meets a child who was some worth like her and begins to see life from the perspective of a young one who embraces life as a blessing and sees more to it. finally, she dumps her old life and goes in pursuit of healing and clarity traveling as far as possible to understand life, true beauty and healing. born anew, she comes home to a love that she know is hers, is true and is undying.