Authors: Jamie and Danie
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Brendon/Ryan
Warnings: Violence, underaged sex, minor character death, language, AU.
Summary: The Civil War didn't bring reconciliation and a United States like most everyone would have hoped. Instead, it separated the States in north and south, respectively The Democratic Union Republic of America with New York City as it's capital, and The Confederation of America, centered in Jackson, Missouri. After the war ended, TCA was left a mess and there were still scattered fights for power until Civil War general Beauregard, most commonly known from the fabled Battle of Shiloh, managed to unite the people under his power. Beauregard was elected King, his descendants were to follow him for as long as the country, now Kingdom, existed, and the name was changed to Beauregia in honor of the man who had 'saved' the people. Subsequently, the two countries developed in two very different directions. Border strives would break out every so often and war was declared at least twice a century. No one bothered themselves with the fact that the two countries were once one. Beauregia didn't change much. Their economical foundation was agriculture and cheap labor. Slavery was never banned and the kingdom was ruled under tight, Christian leadership.
DURA on the other hand developed quickly, became based on new technology and democratic ideas. A global country, which housed the UN and was the international center of informative technologies and diplomacy. Only throughout the twentieth century were the disputes buried and a united front raised through first the World Wars and later on The Cold War. But now, eighteen years after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the fall of communism an international threat, the rift has once again grown deep between the two countries and open war is once more stirring beneath the surface. The future of both countries is entrusted to two bright young men. Fortunately, nothing is ever as it seems.
They met on the subway. The only thing exchanged between them were not so subtle looks, until on his way out, the blond boy slips a paper to the brown haired boy.
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