Sapphire and Pearl are two normal teenage girls. Well, sort of. They are identical twins, look freakishly alike, and secretly have powers that they are not aware of. Starting high school, they have an amazing group of friends that they made in middle school. There's Tamora, their almost-triplet, and the rest of the squad. At a sleepover, three of the girls unknowingly do a spell, with catastrophic results. What they don't know, though, is that they are all not only mermaids, but mermaid ROYALTY. The picture worsens when two twin guys enter the picture. Will Sapphire, Pearl, and Tamora be able to survive high school?
Bridget and Ash are half-human and half-mermaid. It's early 2013, and they're ending first grade in a large Pennsylvania city known as Philadelphia. Their majestic tails form in water above 32°F and below 100°F. They hope no one finds out about their secret, but a cruel betrayal by their so-called friend lands them on the most watched news channel in east Pennsylvania! They decide to escape until everyone forgets about them. These two best friends swim all the way to Isola del Giglio, Italy in 10 days, only stopping for food, water, bathroom, and rest. The girls make a mysterious discovery in Italy as well as meet three new friends. Then, a terrible problem emerges, and the mer must face it alone. How will the five half-mermaids of Isola del Giglio solve this issue?
*Very short chapters*
Word count: about 17k