21 year old Dipper lives in a small, barely known town named Gravity Falls. With his twin sister off with her own life, and Stan dead he now finds himself looking after the shop with his only friends, Soos and Wendy. But even that doesn't last long. Seeing as the two full grown adults need to leave the shack, and move on with their own lives as well. Leaving Dipper all alone. Just him and the journals. The interest in the old journals, and his fiery adventurous spirit still alive and never leaving him. Yet, all that loneliness changes when he mets his old enemy, Bill Cipher, coming to greet him again as a human? ~~~Billdip love story, cause I've been reading a hella lot of these. I'm not even sure why the sudden obsession with the ship. I promised myself I would stick to my own stuff on this new account of mine, but you know how that goes when you start shipping a demon and 12 year boy... This might be one of the many reasons I'm going hell... (That was just some dark humor. Don't freak out, please).~~~ ~~~ Enjoy ~~~
20 parts