Would you like to become financially independent? Do you want to take control over your own finances but don’t know how? What if you could achieve this without any prior financial knowledge and with just a few hours of reading? Andrew Stotz, CFA is an award-winning financial analyst with more than two decades of experience in leading positions in the industry and as a university lecturer of finance. He has also taught numerous classes to fellow professional financial experts and has been interviewed on many TV business programs around the world, including Bloomberg, CNBC and ABS-CBN (Philippines). In this book, Stotz takes his lifelong experience about investing and distills it down to 12 easy-to-understand investment principles. Through extensive research that Stotz has conducted over the years and the research of other distinguished professionals, he debunks many of the myths surrounding investing. You will be ready to go with your own financial plan as soon as you put the book down and you will have a unique advantage by having changed the way you think about investing. • No experience is required • Become one of the few people who have a written financial plan • Change the way you think about investing and start on your own today The teachings of this book have been described as “Spectacularly simple, yet unbelievably enlightening!” So, it doesn’t matter if you’re fresh out of college, if you’re a few years into your career or even have children of your own that you want to teach how to make smart financial decisions. You don’t even have to be interested in finance to learn valuable lessons from this book. According to another reader: “I am not a Business major, but a Philosophy student. Despite this, there are easily understood steps to success that Mr. Stotz outlined, in a language I could understand. Every day you wait to invest is a day that the stock market is not helping you to achieve financial freedom. Don’t wait one more day!All Rights Reserved