It is time for the next contestant of "Flushed Affairs" to be able to be matched with her future husband!
Nepeta Leijon, the youngest in her family, has been entered into Flushed Affairs by her happy older sister. But unlike her sister, she doesn't like the idea of having to chose her future mate in a matter of weeks.
But she has been chosen. And now, as the prize for 8 lucky males, she has to chose who should be her husband to live happily ever after with.
Who will she choose?
The kind, Tavros Nitram?
The hacker, Sollux Captor?
The secret romancer, Karkat Vantas?
The strong, Equius Zahhak?
The clown, Gamzee Makara?
The prince, Eridan Ampora?
The goofball, John Egbert?
The cool kid, Dave Strider?
Or will the voters choose to have a surprise guest star come in to try and steal her heart?
"I made the decision to cheat on my wife because I liked the way you made me feel vulnerable and comfortable enough to open up to you the night before it happened. I ain't never did shit like that before and that's what made it easy for me to choose to risk everything I got for you."
"That shit probably not a big deal to you but a nigga like me ain't never opened up to nobody but my best friend-and still..that's rare. I hate even talking about her with you but I don't even feel comfortable talking to Ariana about my feelings 'cause I know she gon' judge me. You don't make me feel like that."