[Brody/Sam/Puck/Finn/Jake/Ryder/Jessie/Kurt/Blaine/Karofski/Sebastian/Hunter/Rory/Will/Matt/Mike/Bryan/Dustin/Joe/David] Okay, I admit, I may have gone a little overboard, but all of these guys deserve to be stripped naked in my mind so i just thought that I'd do it all together. Some may say im disgusting, some may say I'm a genius, some may say im a dinosaur. It wouldn't make sense, but they could. Right, adding both Puck and Jake may be a bit weird, but in this fanfic they aren't related at all, just to make it a little more legal. Although im not entirely sure it still is. Wait, what do we call this slash? Brinnuckikatturtainessillastianterderamoryofskianustinavidoe? Jesus, you have no idea how long that took to write without making any mistake -_-' if you dont recognize any of the character names, just google them, kay? I cba to tell you who they are xD enjoy.