Charis de Lino lives in a large Atmosphere called The Oblivion. This is where angels learn to become true angels, where they train and grow up. She is a war angel, also known as the Faustorn Angel, and her goal in life is to feel what human beings feel, she wants true feelings. After the war, all the warriors are given one wish, and she asks to be seen by humans, to become a human. Her wish is granted. When she begins her life on earth, she realizes how awful living there is. Sin is everywhere around her, and she slowly begins to feel the sin transform her mind. She meets Marcus Landing and he falls in love with Charis. Unsure of the feelings, Charis is confused, very confused, but she allows herself to feel. But does she allow herself to fall in love with Marcus? Does she runaway? Read this story, and enjoy the journey. All Rights Reserved