13 parts Complete In an alternate universe, where Japan never entered WWII, the country was entrenched in a civil war between two factions. Imperialists and the Freedom Fighters. The result of this was the creation of the NSA, National Science Agency, who's goals are to restore the country, and the Yakuzas, who are groups and gangs left over from the Imperialist regime. The year is 1952 and the country is in recovery. New discoveries are being made every day, and science is bringing the country back. With the discovery of tachomytes, an energy rich mineral scientifically named Tachomythium, and X-G5, a mutagenic compound, the country is about 40 years ahead of its time. The NSA and STORM, one of the larger yakuzas, both have grand plans for the country in their own unique visions. An expedition led by a head scientist in the Tachomyte extraction project turns into a horror show when they awaken an ancient god. Will this deity be happy to be awoken? Or will he go on a rampage across Japan?