Beginning "Life is a test" I have had that said to me many times in my 20 odd years of life. But what are we being tested for? Is life just a series of random events? Or is it some higher powers idea of a sick joke? Never the less, we are all here. Some people believe we are here for a reason, a purpose. Others believe life is just a series of events thrown together at random. Me? Well... i don't really have much of an opinion on the subject, but however it all works... I've been dealt a pretty shitty hand so far. Don't get me wrong i have had some great things happen in my life that i wouldn't change for the world! But as far as memories go... the bad definitely outweighs the good! They say the events of a persons past is what molds them into the person they have become in the present. I don't think i have turned out too badly, considering. Is my life where i thought it would be by now? Hell no! But who's life turns out the exact way they had planned? To be honest... i am suprised i am not a hard faced, bitter cow. You're probably thinking, jeeze! You're life cant be that bad in 20 odd years. Am i right!? Well let me tell you.Tous Droits Réservés
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