In the land of Auradon, a friendly, girl named Trinity, the daughter of Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen, who constantly gets bullied by most of the students of Auradon Prep, has been longing for someone who would love her no matter what, always be there for her, and never leave her side at any costs.
Meanwhile, on the Isle of the Lost, a lonely, nearly unloved boy named Carlos de Vil, son of the infamous Cruella de Vil, just wants someone to truly love him for something more than just a villain and show him the affection that his evil mother unfortunately doesn't.
When Carlos comes to Auradon Prep with his three friends, Mal, Evie, and Jay, he meets Trinity, the one person he's been looking for his entire life, and is finally, genuinely happy for once in his life.
The same goes for Trinity as she finally sees that and there's nothing that could possibly break their wonderful embrace of their connection through the power and magic of love.