Everyone at Hogwarts knew about the Marauders. James Potter, the arrogant so-and-so, Sirius Black, the bad boy, Remus Lupin, the 'good' one, and Peter Pettigrew, their little follower. But not so well known, but none the less mischievous, are their self-proclaimed female counterparts, the fun loving pocket-rocket Persephone Cardale, the slightly nervy and book loving Samantha Spinnet, and the wickedly inclined, mischievous Halley Derwent. It's fair to say the seven of them spend more time by each others' sides than away from them. And it seems that now, in fifth year, they're up to something big.
NOTE: I apologize for the lack of popular fandom ships in this series. And all the canon mistakes. So. Many. Mistakes...
-This fanfic has been totally stolen by Rach, so it is all miney now!! I don't know when I'll update, as I'm running my main account alongside!! Xxx
It's clear that Severus Snape has never been great friends with the chaotic group known as the marauders but when his twin sister must be moved to Hogwarts from Beauxbatons in her fifth year for her own safety, the group take a sudden interest in the mysterious girl. One Marauder in particular, Sirius Black.
With Snape keeping a protective eye over her surely nothing bad was going to happen...
At least that's what he'd hope.
[5/4/20] N°1 - #Maraudersera
[11/4/20] N°1 - #JamesPotter
[16/4/20] N°1 - #padfoot
[4/6/20] N°1 - #hogwarts
[13/6/20] N°1 - #hogsmeade
[20/9/20] N°1 - #wormtail
[2/11/20] N°1 - #prongs
**Disclaimer - I do not own any of the characters from the original Harry Potter books, only the ones you do not recognise such as Silver.