In the year 845, two terrifying new breeds of Titans emerged and made the path for the other Titans to slaughter the inhabitants of Shiganshina. A group of ten friends managed to escape the massacre and joined the military two years later at the ages of thirteen and twelve. This group was me and my friends. We trained hard and threw ourselves into this wholeheartedly. We eventually joined the Survey Corps, though it was a long and bloody road. This is our story. Our story of heartache. Of happiness. Of hardships. Of betrayal. Of love. Of loss. Of friendship. But, most importantly, this is our story of making it in this living hell and persevering through it all, because the Titans must pay for what they have done and, as Eren Yaeger said, the world beyond the Walls is our birthright. My name is Blair Rothschild and this is the story of the 104th Training Corps.