This is a compilation of some of the Marines back stories, it will feature the stories if how some of the Marines came to be Marines. Currently this book will contain: Kingdom Defenders (Steven and Emily's back story), Weapon Wielders (Brin's back story) and Dragon Wars Book: 0 (the Dragons origins and what happened to start the whole Ragnarok thing), I'm putting them in one book instead of making them several books just in case I decide to write more origin stories. I originally had Brin's story split into three parts so I'm not sure how that's going to work in this book, I'll figure it out as I go. I'm not writing this book/series yet but I'll update it as I get around to writing chapters. I'm going to post what I have of the two series' and will put the updated chapters in between them, does that make sense? Anyway please read, vote and comment. :) Reindeer Avenger. Ps I may do Ben's back story or Shaun's future story, I'm not sure yet. Also if none of this makes sense then read my other books starting with The Chaos Saga Books: 1-5 or The Element WarAll Rights Reserved