They're Magical Creature who live in a magical world called as Enchanted World. Enchanted World is divided into 7 Kingdoms. The Wind Kingdom, Light Kingdom, Gardenia's Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Icy Kingdom, Aqua Villain Kingdom, and last but not the least is the Dark Shadows Kingdom, there are no fairies who lived in there 'cause there are so many wild animals in Dark Shadows that might kill all the creatures in different kingdoms. That's why the Gods/Goddesses of the different kinds of kingdoms decided to have one of their members as a volunteer to go in the said place to have a very hard mission. They need to get the Tiara for them to be the most powerful creature and to become Gods/Goddesses of all kingdoms but before that, they need to fight with the 300 wild bore and 1,000 lions. Will they win or die? Will they become a Powerful Fairies or not? Well, let's see what really happens in their precious kingdom :-*. Kindly read please. Hope yah like it. -SkinliAnnHanLeJheLai-All Rights Reserved
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