This story is based off of the game Petz Catz 2. If you have ever played Petz Catz 2 then you would know that you would make your own cat and go on a quest to restore peace for the village and to defeat Ivlet. This story will take place after the game when the played character is older. If you haven't played Petz Catz 2, then you should because it's awesome, and you would understand this story better. Thank you :) Nikeera is troubled. Didn't mom say that her friend restored peace to the village? Doesn't she have enough power to protect it? She does have the strongest magic in the world, doesn't she? Nikeera is only 5 1/2 months old: still a kitten but old enough to have her eyes open, walk, think, and talk. She's also started to eat fruits, veggies, and fish, early for her age. Though, some things are still way to hard for her to understand. Like, why she woke up all alone or why the whole village was abandoned. There's no one around to answer the questions going through her head, so she'll just have to find them out herself...All Rights Reserved
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