Enhance your mental and physical wellbeing by using the soothing effect that the colouring of pre-formed images can bring in what experts commonly term "mindfulness". The "Relax-art-ation" series brings together images evocative of the book`s title. Colours of Scotland is filled with iconic images that evoke the essence of this stunning country.
I was introduced to the concept of “mindfulness” by the wonderful team of health professionals at the pain clinic that I attend. It took a while for me to find something that worked for me as a few of the associated therapies and disciplines like yoga, meditation or tai-chi either did not appeal to me or were beyond my physical capabilities due to the damage already done to my joints by the arthritis. Initially “colouring” seemed somewhat childish but there was no doubt that it had the desired affect of both taking my mind off the pain and relaxing me at the same time.
My problem though was with the type of adult colouring book that was available. The bulk of the material out there seemed to be both childish and very much aimed at women with kittens and suchlike. I wanted something else and that `s when I turned to the vast image-bank that I had amassed in relation to my thrillers. The books tend to be set in places that not only have I visited many times myself but attract millions of tourists each year like London, Paris and Rome. It was once I put the first few images from Italy together that I termed what I had been doing as “relax-art-ation”.
If you enjoy colouring then I believe you will find the images in the relax-art-ation series both calming and relaxing. Enjoy!