Hatsune Miku's evil sister, Zatsune Miku, wiped the memory of the main eight VOCALOIDs, and just the main eight. Why? That's what everyone is trying to figure out. SeeU, the group's engineer, found a way to give the main eight's memory back to them. Shortly after, Kagazune Ren shows up, a Kagamine-Twin version of Zatsune, ruining their happy moment. Of course, she didn't do anything, just showed up. So why would Crypton create another VOCALOID like Zatsune, and why can't anyone remember what VOCALOID even is? And what does Zatsune even want with the others? Read to find out ;3 I'm so sorry I suck at summaries. **WARNING: DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THE ADVENTURES OF VOCALOID FIRST**