Many people don't understand my condition. They all think somethings wrong with me. I can't talk for I was born with out a voice box. I also have this very rare condition which causes me no have no hair and not be able to walk. It is because of this that i'm judged. Of course it's not fair that I have no way to communicate. But it's not like anyone will listen if I could. Writing stories and dreaming are the only things I have. No one cares though. If i were to die now I know the increase of followers on my blog will not change. I'm not writing for you for I have no respect for you. I am aware no one will read this. But since I will die soon, I give a piece f my soul. A jorney through my head. You see, I have left out this one important detal. In Jannary of 2010 I fell asleep. And I haven't woken up.