She was struggling. She made mistakes. She had scars as deep as my love for her. She wasn't sure of her sexuality. She smoked marijuana on a daily. She could never keep a relationship. She felt insecure about her weight. She felt alone almost all the time. She just needed someone. She was beautiful.
I don't know how it happened. Everything just slipped through the cracks. It happened in a blink of an eye. Her attitude changed, her personality changed, her laugh changed, she changed. I no longer recognized my best friend. Her lifestyle was killing her but keeping away the hurt. I guess to her, it was worth it. Anything was worth forgetting about where it all began.
It was eighth grade, when she started seeing her first boyfriend. He made her smile more than i had ever seen in the four years that she was my best friend. He had been dating someone, when he met her. I didn't like that. I thought she deserved the world and more. Her freckled face with her brown eyes and red hair, deserved better. She knew it. I knew it. She was a 13 year old girl in love, so she saw past everything horrible about their relationship. I stood up for her, but only angered her ''boyfriend." I hated him. I tried to tell her he was no good, but she was young and in love.
Their relationship consisted of arguing and childish acts. Her boyfriend is who got her into smoking weed. I found it disgusting in the beginning. I thought he was a bad influence on her. He made her "happy" though. She was in love with him. Although, I think she just didn't know what love actually was. Considering it was her first relationship and that he gave her the recognition that students gives janitors, it was more lust than love. They dated for about three months, and broke up. I had never seen her so devastated. When she arrived at my house for comfort, her mascara was running down her face from each tear she cried of her now red eyes due to her constant crying of the night.