"Why?" I whispered, my throat scratchy from crying. I could feel the tears coming back to my eyes once again, "why do you have to leave me?"
"Because I just have to Kayda." His answer came harshly, like being hit with a brick.
He looked at me, eyes hard as stones. A mixture of pain, regret, and sadness in those eyes. Then he turned and...
He was gone. Leaving me weeping on the floor. Clutching my aching chest.
Meet Kayda Fallen, a 19 year old girl. Strong and independent, she has lived alone all her life. Until she manages to get wrapped up into a little gang.
Life is tough isn't it?
Started this on April 10, 2016
Yıllar önce evlat edinilmiş ve bunu çok sonradan öğrenen edebiyat öğretmeni Ekin Susmaz. Kimsesiz olduğunu düşündüğü bir şehit çocuğun koruyucu annesi olur. Evine aldığı çocuğun 6.yaş gününde birden babası çıkagelir...